網上報名表 Online Application Form

姓名(中文)Chinese Name
Name (English)
First Name, Last Name
住址 Residential Address
郵區號碼 Postal Code
電郵地址 E-mail Address
電話 Phone Number
手機電話 Cell Phone Number
出生地點 Place of Birth
出生日期 Date of Birth
出世紙號碼 Birth Certificate No.
年齡 Age
護照號碼 Passport No.
國籍 Nationality
父母/監護人姓名 Parents'/Guardian's Name
能操語言 Language(s) Spoken
Number of years of residence in Canada

學歷 Education

中學 High School
年級 Grade
學院/大學 College/University
年級 Year
主修課目 Major Subject
其他 Others

履歷 Employment History

現任僱主 Name of Present Employer
何種業務 Occupation
職位 Job Title
受僱期 Employment Period
電話號碼 Phone Number
前任僱主 Name of Previous Employer
何種業務 Occupation
職位 Job Title
受僱期 Employment Period
電話號碼 Phone Number

身材尺碼 Measurements

身高 Height
體重 Weight
胸圍 Bust
腰圍 Waist
臀圍 Hips
嗜好 Hobbies
專長Special Talents
Have you ever participated in a Beauty Contest? If yes, When & What Contest?
Do you have any criminal record in or outside of Canada?

監護人表格 Guardian Form
* 參賽者如未滿19歲則填寫下面表格
The following must be completed by the Parent or Guardian of any Contestant aged under 19 years old.

本人已細閱以上之報名表格,本人為參選者之母親 / 父親、監護人,現同意參選者參加是次競選。

( A ) 整份參加表格是為參選者利益而設。
( B ) 參選者已徵得本人同意,始參加是項競選。
( C ) 本人批准參選者參加大會指定之國際性選美比賽,如有需要,並會同意參選者離開加拿大參加此等比賽。

I have read the above Application Form. I am the mother/father/guardian of the Contestant and give my consent to her entering the Pageant. I confirm the information given by her is correct. In consideration of the Organizer allowing the Contestant to take part in the Pageant, I hereby agree :

( A ) That this Application Form as a whole is for the benefit of the Contestant.
( B ) That the Contestant is taking part in the Pageant with my consent.
( C ) That I will give my consent to the Contestant taking part in International Beauty Contests including, where necessary, her leaving Canada to take part in such Contests.

Name (English)
First Name, Last Name
住址 Residential Address
電話 Phone Number
性别 Sex
護照號碼 Passport No.
家長/ 監護人簽署 Signature of Parent/ Guardian

在此輸入全名作數碼簽署 Typing your full name will act as your digital signature.

提名表格 Nomination Form

Name (English)
First Name, Last Name
住址 Residential Address
電話 Phone Number
性别 Sex
出生日期 Date of Birth
出生地點 Place of Birth
手提電話 Cell Phone Number
僱主名稱及地址 Employer's Name and Address
公司電話號碼 Company Tel.
何種業務 Type of Business
職位 Job Title
護照號碼 Passport No.
本人已認識參選者I have known the Contestant for
與參選者關係Relationship with Contestant
I confirm that I have read the Application & Nomination Forms and that all the information given by the Contestant and by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
提名人簽署 Signature of Nominator

在此輸入全名作數碼簽署 Typing your full name will act as your digital signature.

上載照片 Image Upload
The image must be .jpg format.

申請人之半身像Mid-body shot of Applicant
申請人之全身像Full body shot of Applicant
申請人之出生証明副本Applicant Photo ID - Front
(Photocopy of Birth Certificate)
申請人之加拿大護照或加拿大合法居留簽證文件副本 Applicant
(Photocopy of Canadian Passport or Evidence of Residency)
提名人之證件副本Nominator Photo ID - Front
(Photocopy of driver’s license or passport)

- 本人從未結婚,目前並非懷孕,亦從未生育嬰兒。
- 本人從未在加拿大或海外有任何犯罪記錄。
- 本人會遵守第六項內所述之合約。

I certify that I have read the Application Form for the "Miss Chinese (Vancouver) Pageant 2017" and hereby agree to abide by all the aforesaid terms and conditions and
that the information given above is true and accurate.

- I confirm that I have never been married, have never been pregnant and have never given birth to a child.
- I confirm that I have no criminal record in and outside of Canada.
- I confirm that I have read and understand the content of this application form, and that if chosen to take part in the Final of the Contest, I will sign the contract with the Organizer.

參賽者簽署Signature of Applicant

在此輸入全名作數碼簽署 Typing your full name will act as your digital signature.